I would like to see a world where brain care is as routine and safe as a tooth cleaning at your dentist office. With technology going nano, it is now possible to create portable devices to scan your brain at a fraction of the weight of an fMRI.
We will be putting people on Mars by 2030, and through global partnerships, the international community has the opportunity and capability to work together to solve the problem of poverty by preventing disease by screening the cranium and preserving the health of individuals as early as possible.
One of the more challenging questions that I have is, when will we be able to perform without radiation? In a microgravity environment radiation already exists, so for deeper space missions we will need to ensure that the least amount of exposure to more radiation is possible, or that we will have a counter measure. `
- Andrea E. Pearson-Haas
With new drugs coming out that allow patients with brain cancer to have their "tumors removed right after administration of the drug during a phase zero clinical trial (because it comes before the usual three-phase experiments to determine a drug's safety) *Dallas Morning News *Marilynn Marchione, The Associated Press. Dr. Nader Sanai is leading this study at Phoenix's Barrow Neurological Institute.